Up-Level Your Relationships

A Masterclass for Professional Women

"I so enjoyed the course. It is both revealing and mind blowing when one finds some methodology that describes what you know about yourself, but never gave a name or logic to. Amazing. And fun." J.L. 

And in the video below is another Testimonial from the First Beta Group. 

Rita Bielka had a number of a-ha moments during the class!

Click here to join us!

Up-Level Your Relationships - Now! 

Welcome! This is an online masterclass designed for professional women who desire to do business and their lives in their way...because one size doesn't fit all. And you deserve - right now - to do your life in your way, according to your Human Design.

  • Is it your time yet? Are you tired of all the drama in your relationships? Do they take up too much time and leave you no time to do what you really want to do?
  • Many of us take on the roles we’re “given”– parent, caretaker, spouse, etc. - and don’t leave enough time for ourselves for basic health, let alone time to pursue our dreams.
  • What if you could calm all the relationships in your life, so that you could feel the freedom to pursue your passion?
  • What if you could make a plan, using your own Strategy and Authority, to live by your own rules, and not someone else's rules?

Because here are the REAL obstacles to creating the business and life results you want:

  • Information overload: Trying to follow someone else’s ‘5 step formula’ that tells you what you should or could do, without knowing who you are or how you operate. With so much information, how do you choose what's right for you?
  • Action overload: While endeavoring to do a great job to help your colleagues or clients, and meet their expectations, you over-commit to different projects, people and events, often forgetting to include yourself in the equation.
  • Burnout or fear of burnout:You have burned out in the past, i.e., gotten ill, lost a job, lost a relationship…and fear that will happen again. And you're stuck in place. The fear of burning out again, stops you from doing anything at all!
  • People Overload:Doing your job/business isn't easy. But let's face it, it's managing yourself and others that is the toughest task.

Isn't it time to re-write the story of your work, your life, your relationships - and your joy - on your own terms?

“I’ve probably spent over $10K trying to find out about myself before I met you, and that money was the best and most lasting I’ve ever spent. Something else may come along in the future, but for now, this is the best, most reliable, most helpful thing out there. I've traveled the world to find my answers, and of course, they were right in my own backyard." 

S.K. - Financial analyst, NJ 

Are you ready to change up your life?

(and have some FUN as you learn?)

Here's what you'll get in this course...

  • You'll understand the important relationships in your life on a deeper energetic level, so that issues, conflicts and differences of opinion/goals are easily resolved
  • Compare and contrast the Human Design charts of all your important relationships to see where the energetics match– and where they don’t
  • Feel confident that you can have peaceful, happy and resilient relationships with anyone you choose
  • Distinguish the time freedom and mental freedom you need to follow your passion without guilt, worry or angst
  • Discover pragmatic solutions, based on your own Human Design chart, for common and not-so-common issues
  • Understand the crucial role that self-care plays in attaining your dreams
  • Gain sufficient clarity about your passion or dream that you understand the balance that’s right for your Human Design between work, play and self-care
  • Begin to implement the strategies that are right for your self-care so that your unique definition of balanced, vital and healthy is maintained
  • Have a plan to attain the next steps on your path to living your passion
  • Confidently move forward with an all-encompassing plan for your passion, your health and vitality, and all your relationships
  • Use the Human Design blueprint you were born with to create a blueprint for your life

This Group starts on Thursday, February 10th at 8pm Eastern/5pm Pacific

on ZOOM and runs for twelve weeks through May!

Join us for an unforgettable journey!

What's included in the course?


It’s a six-step process for getting results over the next three months:

  • First, we’ll do a clarity call to choose one or two issues to focus on.
  • Next, you’ll understand your own energy centers by looking at your chart and seeing your unique purposeas it relates to your issues
  • Then, we’ll look at the energy centersas they relate to the other people involved in your challenges
  • Next, we’ll work to resolve the issuesby coming up with ways to work with them rather than against them.
  • Then, we'll nail down your passion project, new business, dream job or retirement plans with clarity, precision and a plan
  • Finally, we'll determine the next steps on your journey to balance your passion, your self-care AND your relationships

And here's how we’ll get the results:

  • You’ll work with me for 3 hours of personal one-on-one coaching , including the clarity call, so that we can home in on your most pressing relationship issues (the value of that alone is: $450)
  • You’ll have weekly group coaching calls so that you’ll add to and benefit by others’ perspectives (value: $1200)
  • You’ll have weekly course modules and a library of evolving, additional modules about all kinds of Human Design topics (like Energy Types, Profiles, Centers, Gates/Channels, Incarnation Crosses, and more) that will give you a blueprint for your own energy and your relationships (value: $1997)
  • You’ll have a Facebook Mastermind community of (no more than 20) members with discussion forums so that you’ll always have access to me and the group whenever you have a question (value: $297)
  • And there will be bonuses as we go through the course, such as expert interviews, Primary Health Science (PHS) assessments (value: $250), and a Feng Shui video, based on birth information
  • BONUS FOR US: As it's a brand-new version of the course, I'll be asking for your feedback from time to time, to make sure that you're getting everything you need and we're improving the course as we go!

I'm excited to tell you that all of this is $1497!


Testimonials from Karen's Clients:

  • "Thank you very much for all the useful information. I enjoyed learning more about myself and the reasons why I do things the way I do. Your explanations helped me understand situations from the past and at the same time are the perfect guidance for me for the future."
  • "I so enjoyed the course. It is both revealing and mind blowing when one finds some methodology that describes what you know about yourself, but never gave a name or logic to. Amazing. And fun."
  • “I’ve probably spent over $10K trying to find out about myself before I met you, and that money was the best and most lasting I’ve ever spent. Something else may come along in the future, but for now, this is the best, most reliable, most helpful thing out there. I've traveled the world to find my answers, and of course, they were right in my own backyard." 

  • "I feel so blessed to have had you share your wisdom on my design. I have been feeling and logging my highs and lows, being patient when making decisions and asking when responding if questions can be rephrased as yes or no. I have been grieving aspects of de-conditioning, in particular how I would cling to being part of a group that no longer serves me. That has played out a lot in my life, where I have sought out revenge for the hurt. Now I know it is part of who I am."


P.S. This course will be like having me in your back pocket for a few months!  I'll listen, coach, cajole, empower and applaud, as you need it, when you need it.


This course will be a community that grows together,

providing inspiration to all,

along with feet-on-the-ground real-world experience,

together and individually!

How does that sound?


Isn't it time to re-write the story of your work, your life, your relationships - and your joy - on your own terms?

Click here to join us for $1497!

Your Human Design Guidess, Karen Flaherty

- from “good girl” to “real girl”


Karen Flaherty is the best-selling author of the book “Getting to Know YOU: Embrace your Unique Blueprint to Make Decisions you Love and Trust – a Human Design Guidebook.” (Available on Amazon as Kindle, paperback and Audiobook.)

She brings many years of corporate business and life experience to her Human Design coaching practice. A graduate of the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia, Karen has worked in New York and New Jersey in marketing and sales positions for more than 35 years. Her combination of experiences ignited a desire to help others in their challenges, especially with regard to self-awareness and stress management.

Karen has studied Human Design since 2009, and became a certified Human Design Specialist in 2010. Since then, she has spoken at dozens of holistic shows along the East Coast, running thousands of charts, and has satisfied her very logical self that Human Design is the best way to allow people to discover their purpose and their genius. Karen is happy now to be helping entrepreneurs, coaches, small business owners and corporate managers find a new way of doing business in the 21st Century, as well as working with individuals, couples and families thrive in their relationships.

Karen has been doing Human Design full time since moving to a small eclectic beach town in 2014, with her husband Jude, where they bike, swim, and kayak with the dolphins.

Join us on the Journey...